Shipping & Packing

Each complete ring secured with a bolt - Color coded rings for ease of installation
Each complete ring secured with a bolt - Color coded rings for ease of installation

Remember, at Steel Core, we began as installers, so we know what it is like out in the field and the pressure you can be under on a job site. That is why we take great care and pride in the way we prepare and pack our shipments to you.

When building a Steel Core Corrugated Bolted Steel Tank each complete circle of “panels” is referred to as a “ring”. Physics dictates that the bottom “ring” or “rings” of each tank be of a thickness that is suitable for the pressure exerted by the liquid at the bottom of the tank, the bottom being the area of highest pressure.

For example the first two “rings” of a tank might be composed of “panels” with a thickness of 10 gauge. The next two “rings” will be composed of “panels” with a thickness of 12 gauge. The final ring being composed of panels with a thickness of 14 gauge. The thickness of the bottom ring being greater than the thickness of the top ring.

This could be confusing to an installer since the difference in thicknesses is not immediately discernible to the untrained eye. For this reason when we palletize our tanks complete “rings” are bundled together and secured with a bolt – then “color-coded” to denote the thickness of the panels.

By utilizing this method we allow the installer to see at a glance what kind of thickness, and indeed which “ring” they are looking at by referring to the color on the edge of the steel. And indeed, what “ring” to begin installing first.

Roof panels are uniform so there are no issues other than following the specific tank installation diagram and ensuring that the panel with the manway or other ingress -egress is at the desired location, as well as the panel over the ladder being in the correct location.

Each item and/or groups of items is individually labeled
Each box is hand packed , numbered, photographed, & documented
Each pallet is arranged like with like in assembly process

Steel Core once more raises the bar, and this time it is with our packing. All boxes that accompany each Steel Core Tank shipment are hand-packed, photo-documented, and numerically sequenced down to each bag of bolts. So, for instance, you are on a job site and you cannot find a particular item, you can contact us and we can tell you which box it is in. Not only can we tell you what box it is in, but we can tell you where it is at even if in layered inside a box

When it comes to how we pack your tank ours is the “gold standard”. You would be hard-pressed to find this kind of attention to detail in any industry, let alone the tank industry, but remember… we began as installers. Our years in the field building tanks have given us a peerless sense of the way in which a tank should be packaged and shipped.

At Steel Core Tank, we understand what it’s like to be evacuated because of a wildfire and lose everything. We had the Tubbs Fire which burned through Santa Rosa.

Our hearts and prayers go out to our clients, friends, and family in Los Angeles for the devastating wildfires you are fighting.

We can’t restore what you have lost, but we certainly can help you rebuild and prepare for the future by offering any of our water storage tank solutions at a steep discount and as close to our cost as we can get it.

Stay LA Strong,
Steel Core Tank