Rating Key:
A – Fluid has little or no effect
B – Fluid has minor to moderate effect
C – Fluid has a severe effect
T – No data – likely to be acceptable
X – No data – not likely to be acceptable
- AFFF A JP-4 Jet Fuel A
- Acetic Acid (5%) B
- JP-5 Jet Fuel A
- Acetic Acid (50%) C
- JP-8 Jet Fuel A
- Ammonium Phosphate T
- Kerosene A
- Ammonium Sulfate T
- Magnesium Chloride T
- Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) A
- Magnesium Hydroxide T
- Animal Oil A
- Methanol A
- Aqua Regia X
- Methyl Alcohol A
- ASTM Fuel A (100% Iso-octane) A
- Methyl Ethyl Ketone X
- ASTM Oil #2 (Flash pt. 240º C) A
- Mineral Spirits A
- ASTM Oil #3 A
- Naphtha A
- Benzene X
- Nitric Acid (5%) B
- Calcium Chloride Solutions T
- Nitric Acid (50%) C
- Calcium Hydroxide T
- Perchloroethylene C
- 20% Chlorine Solution A
- Phenol X
- Clorox A
- Phenol Formaldehyde B
- Conc. Ammonium Hydroxide A
- Phosophoric Acid (50%) A
- Corn Oil A
- Phosophoric Acid (100%) C
- Crude Oil A
- Phthalate Plasticizer C
- Diesel Fuel A
- Potassium Chloride T
- Ethanol A
- Potassium Sulphate T
- Ethyl Acetate C
- Raw Linseed Oil A
- Ethyl Alcohol A
- SAE-30 Oil A
- Fertilizer Solution A
- Salt Water (25%) B
- #2 Fuel Oil A
- Sea Water A
- #6 Fuel Oil A
- Sodium Acetate Solutions T
- Furfural X
- Sodium Bisulfite Solution T
- Gasoline B
- Sodium Hydroxide (60%) A
- Glycerin A
- Sodium Phosphate T
- Hydraulic Fluid- Petroleum Based A
- Sulphuric Acid (50%) A
- Hydraulic Fluid- Phosphate Tanic Acid (50%) A
- Ester Based C
- Toluene C
- Hydrocarbon Type II (40% Aromatic) C
- Transformer Oil A
- Hydrochloric Acid (50%) A
- Turpentine A
- Hydrofluoric Acid (5%) A
- Urea Formaldehyde A
- Hydrofluoric Acid (50%) A
- Hydrofluosilicic Acid (30%) A
- Vegetable Oil A
- Isoprophyl Alcohol T
- Water (200ºF) A
- Ivory Soap A
- Xylene X
- Jet A A
- Zinc Chloride T
The data below is the result of laboratory tests and is intended to serve only as a guide. No performance warranty is intended or implied. The degree of the chemical attack on any material is governed by the conditions under which it is exposed. Exposure time, temperature, and size of the area of exposure usually vary considerably in an application, therefore, this table is given and accepted at the user’s risk. Confirmation of the validity and suitability in specific cases should be obtained.