What do Process Water, Waste Water, Potable Water, Fire Protection Water all have in common?

What do Process Water, Waste Water, Potable Water, Fire Protection Water all have in common?…… They are all stored by SteelCore® Corrugated Bolted Steel Lined Tanks! Sized in BBLS and Gallons. Zinc coated and factory coated steel options are available, interior coating liners are selected for the application of the stored liquid and are holiday tested and warranted to ensure quality and longevity. SteelCore® tanks come with options for Safety Appurtenances, 150# nozzles, 24″ & 30″ Side Shell Manways and every tank comes with a deck manway, vents, and access opening.

At Steel Core Tank, we understand what it’s like to be evacuated because of a wildfire and lose everything. We had the Tubbs Fire which burned through Santa Rosa.

Our hearts and prayers go out to our clients, friends, and family in Los Angeles for the devastating wildfires you are fighting.

We can’t restore what you have lost, but we certainly can help you rebuild and prepare for the future by offering any of our water storage tank solutions at a steep discount and as close to our cost as we can get it.

Stay LA Strong,
Steel Core Tank